Friday, February 04, 2005

Hacker crack down - Good to be a student!!

[This is rather an old blog of mine from Blogspot doesn't support aggregations, it seems.]

After my Linux Bangalore talk on Beagle, which was sort of not so technical presentation, I wanted to explore further in to Beagle to prepare a good rather a hacky presentation that shows different hackable aspects of Beagle.

Boarded the train in an usual way, 5 mins before the departure time and that too in Bangalore Cantonment station. Had some fruits and was modifying/adding some slides in the train. Shreyas got his presentation in a floppy and we managed to put it in to the laptop. Intel P4 is rather slow at times or always(?).

We were received by couple of NITT students, Vishnu and (forgot?!). WOW!! they had a nice guest house with AC, TV, Water heater and neatly maintained rooms. At around 8:00AM, we were served with breakfast and had some puris with aaloo (really tasty!!).

Hemant, one of the core co-ordinators of the event, took us to the famous Octogon computer centre. Hmmm... all have TFT screens with good configuration. Shreyas and Nagappan downloaded some files for their presentation in to a thumb drive.

I was feeling damn sleepy as didn't have sleep neither in train nor in guest house. Took photos of the event and finally after lunch and mono session, I started off with Beagle.

I really don't know how time passed off, it was around 5:00 PM, Poornima buzzed me on stage about the time. Hmm... I started my presentation around 3:15PM.. Students showed a great deal of interest (patience???).

Then, I started the hacking session on beagle by explaining a Filter code. Later, we decided to write a new filter, on stage. I showed them how easy it is to hack beagle by writing a filter for pascal programs. Voila!! the filter worked!!! and claps.... From the claps, I could imagine how much they had enjoyed the session. [can be otherwise too...;-)]

Later around 7:15 PM we bid farewell to the students and boarded the train. I immediately went to sleep, hmmm.. had nice sleep and continued it even after reaching my home today morning. Woke up @ around 12:00 noon and reached office around 1:00 PM.

Will post the pictures later this week!! Hmmm.. got to by a Digital camera...

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